Welcome to the main page of the 3d building project.
All buildings are listed at the end of this page.
These buildings are primarily designed for blind people to help them understand what buildings feel like, but they are made to be visually attractive as well.
Buildings are made of white PLA, which feels like plastic.
Buildings are listed below with a link to a detailed description, which is meant to be used with the building in hand.
Most buildings are made to be medium size, the longest edge being between 10 and 20 centimeters. In some instances, smaller or larger buildings are also available, all sizes are displayed on the details page. If the building is to be experienced for a blind person, it is recommended to purchase the medium or large building, as all tactile features are designed to be enjoyable by touch at least at that size.
In the store, the building size is indicated in the title, as well as the size in the description. Small buildings are marked as small, large ones are as large, and when size is not in the title, it means regular size.
At the moment, I am only selling buildings inside the United States from the store, but if you live in another country, I will be able to make arrangements for you, just contact me.
You can receive updated information about the 3d buildings on the following pages:
If there is a building you would like and is not yet on the list, please contact me, and we will try to make it happen for you.
- Etsy store, where you can buy the buildings
- Newsletter, where you can find out about new buildings
- Contact me with any questions
List of buildings
United States Capitol
White House
The Pentagon
Smithsonian Castle
Philadelphia, Independence hall
Pennsylvania Capitol
Philadelphia 30th Street train station
Cleveland Federal Reserve
Cleveland Public Library, Louis Stokes wing
Cleveland West Side Market
Cleveland Terminal Tower
St. Ignatius High School, Cleveland
A Christmas Story House, Cleveland
Underground Railroad Freedom Center, Cincinnati
Grand Ole Opry House, Nashville, Tennessee
Denver Museum of Nature and Science
Antlers Hotel, Colorado Springs
Pantheon (Paris)
Paris Opera, Palais Granier
Basilique du Sacré-Coeur de Montmartre, Paris
Louis Braille’s home, France
National Institute of Blind Youth, Paris
Custom House Tower
Westin Pasadena Hotel
Belem Tower, Portugal
New Parliament House, Delhi
New York State Capitol
Virginia State Capitol