I was always interested in miniature buildings or building replicas. When I travel, I hear so much about the architecture, but it is hard to imagine it without actually seeing it. Thus, I always try to find a replica of a building I visited if there is one available. It is much more meaningful together..
Experience Art Differently: The Touch Tour at Cincinnati Art Museum
I heard about the accessibility program of the Cincinnati Art Museum from Sara Birkofer at the LEAD conference. She talked about the touch tours she organizes, I immediately knew I have to get there somehow. I went up to Sara after their presentation and asked her to include me on one of her tours. Spoiler..
Gift Ideas for Blind Travelers
This guide is intended to help you to buy thoughtful gifts for blind travelers, though most recommendations can just as easily be used at home. I am personally familiar with all of the items I recommend, and use most of them on a regular basis. (more…)
What Makes an Accessible Environment?
I often hear the argument that making something accessible for blind people is not worth it, because there aren’t many blind people using it. My argument usually is that if it was accessible, you would have more blind people taking advantage of it. It is even more difficult when we don’t just make something accessible..