
Welcome to my blog, your resource of travel for blind people.

My name is Tom Babinszki, I was born completely blind in Hungary. Travel is my passion, but even more importantly, I am interested in making travel more available for blind people. To read more about the purpose of this blog, read the about page. But in a nutshell, this blog is for those who are interested in understanding how blind people travel and deal with challenges, or want to make their services available for blind people.

What will you find on this blog?

Initially I will go through the basics of how blind people get around in general. Some of it maybe familiar or obvious, some maybe a surprise. I will cover travel using public transportation, buses, trains, ride sharing, airlines. Once we get there, the work is not done, we will talk about the accessibility of hotels, excursions, entertainment. I will also talk about technology used by blind people in greater detail.

Later on, I will venture into many other topics, such as:

  • Review of services

  • Book reviews

  • Interesting solutions which help blind people

  • Self-driving cars

  • Interesting blind travelers

As there is much related news, I will also cover current news and legislation, and will provide commentary on the more interesting pieces. However, I will collect related articles. If you want to hear about the latest and greatest surrounding blind people and travel, the quickest way to get this information is to sign up for my newsletter.

My plan for now is to have a couple of posts a week, and a weekly newsletter.

Did I miss anything? Is there anything else you would like to hear about? Just contact me, and let me know.

I hope you will enjoy this blog.

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