Videos for the blind

Recently I came across a creative video description service for blind and visually impaired people. The description is text based, and meant to be used by listening to short segments of the video and reading the descriptions. This way it can have more context than an audio described video, while it is fully accessible for …

Is your audio guide part of the problem or the solution?

Audio guides can be used in several environments, and if they are structured well, they can provide immense help for visitors. A few ideas where audio guides can be used are: Museums and galleries City tours Parks Zoos and aquariums Botanical gardens However, I have experienced many instances when otherwise good audio guides did not …

Travel Visions Aloha, adventures for the blind

The other day I came across a new article about Travel Visions Aloha for the Blind, which is an organization providing adventures and experiences for blind people, at the moment primarily in Hawaii. Though there are some similar organizations around the world, definitely not too many, so I contacted the owner, Marri Murdoch to learn …

Difference between the accessibility page and the accessibility statement

There is often much confusion about how to write an accessibility statement or how is it different from your organization’s accessibility page. While there aren’t any rules set in stone, and ultimately you need to create these documents to serve your organization’s needs, generally there is room for both. They each serve a different purpose. …

Leadership Exchange in Arts and Disability, an inclusive conference

Last month I attended the Leadership Exchange in Art and Disability (LEAD) conference in Boston, which was the most inclusive conference I have ever been to. And that’s to say a lot, because in the last 25 years, I have attended at least 40 conferences which primarily had an audience of people with disabilities, plus …

Should I add braille to my business card?

In an increasingly inclusive business landscape, the question of whether to add braille to business cards has become relevant for many professionals. While a significant portion of the global population won’t directly benefit from braille business cards, their importance extends beyond the visually impaired community. As businesses strive to stand out, resonate more deeply with …

Accessible Ohio, Making Ohio Destinations More Inclusive to All

Recently I have come across a program in Ohio, which may fundamentally change what it means to create accessible travel and tourism in a state. Accessible Ohio has the potential to impact accessible experiences for people with disabilities by educating and consulting with companies who would like to make their services more accessible and inclusive. …

CheckPlease, a service to make restaurant payments accessible

Recently I came across a solution that could not only revolutionize restaurant payments, but would make it much more accessible to blind people as well. It is called CheckPlease. It is a simple app which allows you to pick a restaurant, order from the menu, and pay using your phone. The end result, waiters will …

The Visual Bucket List Foundation

The Visual Bucket List Foundation helps children who are losing their vision to create visual memories they can remember after they completely go blind. There are certain eye diseases which predictably result in the complete loss of vision. The foundation is set out to provide children with such diseases to experience things which otherwise cannot …

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